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Java API

To access anyLogistix APIs you need to get the Java library.

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://server_address:port/api/v1

Method HTTP request Description
closeProject GET /open/project/close Closes the currently open project.
convertGFAResultToScenario POST /open/convert/gfa Converts the GFA result with identifier runId to a new scenario with type scenarioType.
convertNOResultToScenario POST /open/convert/no Converts resultOptionId iteration of the NO result with identifier runId to a new scenario with type scenarioType.
convertSSEResultToScenario POST /open/convert/sse Converts the Safety stock estimation result with identifier runId to a new scenario.
convertVariationResultToScenario GET /open/convert/variation Converts resultOptionId iteration of the Variation result with identifier runId to a new scenario.
copyScenario POST /open/scenario/copy Asynchronously copies or clones the scenario with identifier scenarioId.
copyScenarioSynchronously POST /open/scenario/copySynchronously Synchronously copies or clones the scenario with identifier scenarioId.
createNewVariableParameter POST /open/variations/create-variable-parameter Creates a new variable parameter.
createVariableParameter POST /open/variations Creates a new variable parameter.
deleteVariableParameter DELETE /open/variations/delete-variable-parameter Deletes a variation parameter with identifier variationId.
doesVariableParameterHasSelectedData POST /open/variations/has-selected-data Returns whether the variable parameter with identifier variationId has the selected data in the table.
exportDashboardPage GET /open/experiments/export-page Returns an Excel representation of the dashboard page with id pageId.
findAndOpenProjectByName GET /open/project/open-by-name Opens project with name projectName.
getComparisonResultData POST /open/experiments/comparison-result Returns comparison result data.
getCurrentUser GET /open/user Gets current user data.
getExistingVariableParameterTableData GET /open/variations/existing-table-data Returns a table data of a variation with the given variationId.
getExperiment GET /open/experiments/experiment Returns an experiment of a given type available for a given scenario.
getExperimentDashboardPage GET /open/experiments/dashboard-page Returns statistic page with the given pageName for the result of experiment run.
getExperimentDashboardPages GET /open/experiments/dashboard-pages Returns statistics pages for the result of experiment run.
getExperimentOptions POST /open/experiments/options Returns a list of possible values for various experiment options.
getExperimentRunConfiguration GET /open/experiments/get-run-configuration Returns experiment settings.
getExperimentRunResult GET /open/experiments/result Returns all the results of the specific experiment run.
getExperimentRunResultChartGraphData GET /open/experiments/chart-graph-data Returns graph data for the chart with identifier chartId.
getExperimentRunResultChartTableData GET /open/experiments/chart-table-data Returns table data for the chart with identifier chartId.
getExperimentRunResultOptions GET /open/experiments/result-options Returns options for the result of experiment run.
getExperimentRunResultPageCharts GET /open/experiments/charts Returns charts on the statistics page with the identifier pageId.
getExperimentRunResultPages GET /open/experiments/pages Returns statistics pages for the result of experiment run.
getExperimentRunsForScenario GET /open/experiments/results Returns the results of experiment runs for scenario.
getExperimentStatus GET /open/experiments/status Returns the experiment status.
getExperiments GET /open/experiments/list Returns a list of experiments available for a given scenario.
getImportStatus GET /open/import/import-status Returns scenario import status.
getNewVariableParameterTableData GET /open/variations/new-table-data Returns a table data of a variation with the given variationId.
getProjects GET /open/project/list Returns a list of projects that the user has access to.
getScenarioValidationStatus GET /open/experiments/validation-status Returns the validation status of the scenario.
getScenarios GET /open/scenario/list Returns a list of scenarios for the project with identifier projectId.
getScenariosFromImportedDatabase POST /open/import/scenarios-available-for-import Returns a list of scenarios available for import in the imported database.
getStatisticsConfigurations GET /open/experiments/statistics-list Returns a list of available statistics.
getTablesMeta GET /open/import/table-metas Returns a list of meta information for tables.
getValidationErrors GET /open/experiments/validation-errors Returns validation errors.
getValidationWarnings GET /open/experiments/validation-warnings Returns validation warnings.
getVariableParameterObjectType GET /open/variations/object-type Return a list of object types that have variable parameters.
getVariableParameterObjectTypes GET /open/variations/object-types Returns a list of object types that have variable parameters.
getVariableParameterObjects GET /open/variations/objects Returns a list of variable parameter objects of the given object type with identifier objectTypeId.
getVariableParameterParameters GET /open/variations/parameters Returns a list of parameters of an object with id objectId with type with id objectTypeId.
getVariableParameterVariationTypes GET /open/variations/variation-types Returns a list of parameter variation types for a parameter with id parameterId belonging to an object with id objectId with a type with id objectTypeId.
getVariationResultData POST /open/experiments/variation-result Returns variation result data.
importCancel POST /open/import/import-cancel Cancels scenario import job.
importDatabase POST /open/import/import-database Imports scenarios from the list sourceScenarioNameList from an external database.
importDatabaseExisting POST /open/import/import-database-existing Imports scenario sourceScenarioName from an external database into existing scenario.
importExcel POST /open/import/import-excel Asynchronously imports scenario from excel file.
importExcelExisting POST /open/import/import-excel-existing Asynchronously imports scenario from excel file into existing scenario.
importScenario POST /open/import/import-scenario Synchronously imports scenario from excel file.
importScenarioExisting POST /open/import/import-scenario-existing Synchronously imports scenario from excel file into existing scenario.
openProject GET /open/project/open Opens project with identifier projectId.
removeScenarioById DELETE /open/scenario Deletes a scenario.
runExperiment GET /open/experiments/run Starts the experiment asynchronously.
runExperimentSynchronously GET /open/experiments/run-synchronously Starts the experiment synchronously.
stopExperiment GET /open/experiments/stop Stops the experiment.
translate GET /open/translate Returns translation for string stringToBeTranslated.
updateExistingVariableParameterTableDataByIndex POST /open/variations/update-table-data-by-index Updates a variation table data by index.
updateExperimentRunConfiguration POST /open/experiments/update-run-configuration Updates experiment settings.
updateVariableParameter PUT /open/variations/update-variable-parameter Updates the variation parameter represented by the variation object.

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization

Authentication schemes defined for the API:


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: Authorization
  • Location: HTTP header


It's recommended to create an instance of ApiClient per thread in a multithreaded environment to avoid any potential issues.

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