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Edit Icons

The Edit icons dialog box allows you to add, remove and set default icons for the DC, Factory, Customer and Supplier objects of your supply chain scenarios.

If required you can set custom icons for these objects.

The icons you define here belong to this project only.

Below you can see the default icons representing types of supply chain objects:

Customer. Custom icon is defined in the Customers table.
DC. Custom icon is defined in the DCs and Factories table.
Factory. Custom icon is defined in the DCs and Factories table.
Supplier. Custom icon is defined in the Suppliers table.

To open the Edit icons dialog box

  1. In the toolbar click and select Edit icons.

Areas of the dialog box

  1. Object type tabs — each tab contains icons defined for the corresponding type of object (DC, Factory, Customer, Supplier).
  2. Available icons (per tab) — the default and user-defined icons that can be set for an object of the corresponding type (in the anyLogistix tables). GFA experiment allows setting new icon for the DCs that it provides in its results.

    The icon that is set as the default icon is marked with a green dot (each object type has its default icon).

  3. Set of controls — use the controls to manage the icons.
    • Add new icon — opens icon editor, allowing you to create a new icon and define its color.

      You can also open the icon editor by double-clicking the object icon in the Icon column of any object table (Customers, DCs and Factories, Suppliers). This way you can instantly create a custom icon for the required object.

    • Set default — sets the currently selected icon as the default icon for the corresponding type of object.
    • Delete — deletes the currently selected icon.

To create a new icon

  1. In the toolbar click and select Edit icons.
    The Edit icons dialog box will open.
  2. Click the required object type tab. You will see the icons that are currently available for this object.
  3. Click Add new icon to open the icon editor, allowing you to define its color by doing either of the following:
    • Pick a color from the color palette
    • Set custom color by dragging the sliders
    • Specify the RGB values of the required color
    • Click the Random color button to select a random color.
  4. Click Save. The new icon with the selected color will be added to the tab list of the currently available icons. You can now set it either as a default icon for this object type or a custom icon for any object of this type.

To set a default icon

  1. In the toolbar click and select Edit icons. The Edit icons dialog box will open.
  2. Click the required object type tab.
  3. Select the required icon (or create if needed) and click Set default. The selected icon will be assigned only to new objects of this type. The previously created objects of this type will keep their original icons.
  4. Close the Edit icons dialog box.

To remove an icon

  1. In the toolbar click and select Edit icons. The Edit icons dialog box will open.
  2. Click the required object type tab.
  3. Select the required icon and click Delete.
  4. Close the Edit icons dialog box.
The default icon cannot be removed. You must specify the new default icon prior to deleting the current icon.

To set custom icons

Each supply chain object (Customer, DC, Factory, Supplier) is represented with specific icon on the GIS map. This can be a predefined (default anyLogistix icon set for each object type), or a user-defined icon.

The default icons can be defined in the Edit icons dialog box, but if you need to set a custom icon for a particular object, you should do it in the object's table.

To set a user-defined icon for a particular site

  1. Navigate to the object's table.
  2. Double-click the icon of the required object to open the dialog box with the icons available for this object type.
  3. Select the desired icon, or click Add to create a new icon.
  4. Click OK to save the changes and close the dialog box.
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