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Linear Ranges

This table is used within the Network Optimization experiment only.

Each record of this table is a condition that will be used by the Indicator Constraints table as an If or Then statement.

To create a linear range you must define:

  • Name of the new expression
  • Expression itself
  • The boundaries the expression must not violate
Column Description
Name Specify the name of the linear range. It must be a meaningful name since it will be used in the Indicator Constraints table.
Lower Bound The lower bound that the resulting value of the Expression must not violate to allow the specified Then statement to be executed.
Expression Allows you to define the expression that must stay within the specified bounds.

Expression — custom expression consisting of:

  • Coefficient — [by default 1 is specified] the value the Variable must be multiplied by.
  • Variable — one of the existing constraints (defined in the Custom constraints, Product flows, Product storages or Production tables).

    E.g. Coefficient2.65, VariableProduct Flows 1 = the specified flow will be multiplied by 2.65. If the table record containing this expression is used as an If statement in the Indicator Constraints table, the resulting value of this expression must stay within the specified bounds, otherwise, Then statement will not be executed.

Upper Bound The upper bound that the resulting value of the Expression must not violate to allow the specified Then statement to be executed.
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