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Defining Demand Parameters

The demand parameters differ depending on the type of demand that you specify in the Demand Type column of the Demand table.

For Periodic demand, the parameters are:

  • First occurrence — defines when the demand is generated within each Order interval.
  • Order interval — defines the time period during which the specified Quantity of product units is ordered.
  • Quantity — defines the quantity of the product units that is ordered at every given Order interval.

For Periodic demand with first occurrence, the parameters are:

  • First occurrence — defines the date on which the first demand is generated.
  • Order interval — defines the time period during which the specified Quantity of product units is ordered.
  • Quantity — defines the quantity of the product units that is ordered at every given Order interval.

For Historic demand, the parameters are:

  • Date — the date the demanded quantity refers to.
  • Quantity — the value displayed in the Parameters cell is Total Q, which represents the summarized quantity of the demanded product. The demand value is based on the individual product demand entries that are taken from the Historic demand sheet of the scenario template.

To edit the Periodic demand parameters

  1. Double-click the Parameters cell to open the dialog box.
  2. Define the First occurrence date via the date chooser. No demand will be generated before this date.
  3. Specify the values of the Order interval, days and Quantity parameters.
    Both values can be either fixed or stochastic (defined by a probability distribution). For details on providing fixed or stochastic values refer to this section.

To edit the Periodic demand with first occurrence parameters

  1. Double-click the Parameters cell to open the dialog box.
  2. Define the First occurrence date via the date chooser. No demand will be generated before this date.
  3. Specify the values of the Order interval, days and Quantity parameters.
    Both values can be either fixed or stochastic (defined by a probability distribution). For details on providing fixed or stochastic values refer to this section.

To edit the Historic demand parameters

  1. Double-click the Parameters column cell to open a dialog box.
  2. Click Add to create a new record with the Date and Quantity values. A new table row will appear.
  3. Specify the date by double-click the Date cell to activate the edit box and open the date chooser.
  4. Double-click the Quantity cell to activate the edit box and type in the desired product quantity.
  5. Click Save when done to close the dialog box.
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